Sunday, March 6, 2011

Lots going on

Was nice in morning then rush home from ministry because of sleet. Home for 2 days till the thaw.

Here I am.  I was out of the blog world for a long while.  We have been so busy and really I had no time to do anything but try to keep up with what is going on now.  So what have we been up to?  Let's see, where do I begin?  My oldest is done with high school.  He will soon be taking an online course in electronics.  There are actually two courses he is going to take but he will start off with electronics.  

Middle son is working diligently on his Teaching Textbooks math.  He also wants to finish school early but we'll see how that goes.  He will be learning engine repair soon.  We found a friend that is going to teach his son and he will also take on our middle son.  That is so nice when someone does that.  

Now as for my baby he is plugging along with his school work.  We actually took some time off from a full school load and just did the basics so that we can pursue other interests.  
Nature study at home.  Caught a baby bat inside my home early in the morning before ministry. Kept him for a day to observe as any good homeschool mom would.

I am happy to say that my oldest son and I have started our full time service in our ministry.  Middle son will be joining us soon in that.  Learning how to balance our ministry and school has been interesting and has taking me some time to adjust.  I think I have gotten the hang of things now.  Now if only my health cooperated.  Oh well, that's life.  

What does our schedule look like?  Mon, Wed, and Fri is our long days out in the ministry.  Since we are out in town and after our ministry I run errands and get groceries.  I do that to conserve as much driving as I can since gas prices are going up and up and up.  Tues and Thurs are our school days.  We have done math only Mon-Fri. but only two days a week we do everything else we have to do for the week.

I'll try to post more now that I am getting used to our schedule.  I have more to say about our ministry and our schooling.  I will have to schedule in my blogging to my already full schedule but my goal is to post at least once a week.  Let's see if I can accomplish that.   


Unknown said...

"missed" your posts. So glad to see the family working hard. Congrats on the new graduate. And congrats on your wonder pioneering endeavors

live4evermom said...

Thanks Berta. Will try to be back more.