Sunday, February 5, 2012

My Backyard Excitement

In Barb's newsletter on page 9 she has a grid of things to do outdoors.  Saturday we had a busy day with our weekly trip to Rockport to participate in an ASL class.  It was a rainy day, all day.  That night we had some strong storms pass through and I got to take some great pictures of something interesting in my backyard.  Now I wasn't outside for these pictures, sort of.  I was in the garage with my camera set up and I got a few great pictures of nothing less than lightning.  I consider that as something interesting in our backyard.  What do you think?  

Isn't that totally awesome?  Isn't that something interesting in my own backyard?  Although it was a bit scary, it was so totally awe inspiring.  We were all excited to see these pictures.    


Mama Teaching 3 said...

Very cool!

Barb said...

Wow...awesome display of lightning. Great job at capturing your "something interesting" in your own backyard.

Loved seeing your images.

walking said...

Incredible pictures!!!!

Dana Leeds said...

Gorgeous photos of lightning! Great job!

Kristin said...

Beautiful pictures! How'd you get such clear images?

Zonnah said...

I LOVE those pictures!