This was a real hands on experience for them. They helped in preparing the squares. We got out the level, hammer and screws. I let them use the screw drill. I love power tools but I was able to share with them. LOL
We read two books. Both by Mel Bartholomew called Square Foot
After getting it all ready we planted. This was the best part. We had our squares done and we planted. We all just sat back, watered and waited.
We had sightings of our veggies. Little things popping up from the ground. This time around we just watched as each seed popped out of the soil all curled up and then opened up with one then two leaves. They were excited as they eagerly watched every day at what else might pop up from one day to the next.
Then we went on a last minute vacation. Can you imagine being away from your garden for two weeks. I made arrangements with my brother and nephew who live next door to come over and water while we were gone so imagine every ones surprise when we got back and saw our garden.
Our two squares are filling in nicely. The boys promised to help prepare two more squares sometime soon.
I asked my middle son what each plant was just by looking at it now and he identified just about every plant in the garden. They all can't wait to enjoy their
They also added the garden to their nature journal.
WOW! Those look wonderful!Great job.
Great job, Guys!
Thanks for posting all the pictures! I love that the garden was included in the nature journal.
We just got the new Square Foot Gardening book and can't wait to start - still have frost at night here.
I am starting a sfg this year as well, but I had to rent a plot with the city as I have no sun. For that reason, I am not building boxes and having to put it in the ground. I am hoping that by covering my beds with newspaper I can keep the weeds down. We'll see.
I am a bit envious of your nice little boxes. :-)
Wonderful! We have garden beds sort of like that, but not officially square foot gardening, and I'm sure they are not as level as yours! Great job. ♥
awesome, you will reap bountifully
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