Saturday, April 12, 2008

Gotcha! Finally

Today I went out of town and had a wonderful time. I went alone. This was something I hardly ever do. It was refreshing to go out with a friend. Thanks Nancy for the fun.

I did take my camera. I was prepared. Dana over on her blog said once that she never has taken a picture of this bird in it's natural setting. So it's been on my to do list and I finally found it on my drive to Corpus Christi. I stopped on the side of the road to take these. They are very suspicious of people. He took off as I slowly moved closer. This is a magnificent looking bird.

Dana, I know a place you can go to see it flying around.


Just: CH said...

If this is your nature quiz and I am supposed to put my guess on here...

Hubby's and my guess is a Crested Caracara!


Dana Leeds said...

Oh, wow!!! I'm so happy for you and thanks for sharing. :-)